I have a great pleasure in inaugurating web portal of Gujarat Chemical Association working on Real Time System (www.gujaratchemicalassociation.org).
We have a faith that our deep thought endeavor will surely be helpful to our members in connecting with our association and its activities easily and digitally.
At this juncture I would like to express my sincere thanks to worthy Donors for their financial support for fulfilling this year GCA team’s dream of launching association’s very own web site and software. I should not forget pain and hard work put in by my Office Bearers and committee Members for executing this mammoth task.
We are celebrating this year as Historic Platinum Jubilee Year of our Association started in 1947 with a Noble intention for provided a platform for members of the Chemical trader & industry, to share information, work collectively for the import, export and manufacturing chemical products.
As this year is a Fourth Budget under NDA Government and steps of Demonetization and curbing of Black money expectations are high from this Budgets being presented on 1st February, 2017. We are expecting a good number of amendments in the statute in this budget.
In the end, I would like to thank Special Invitees, Members of Managing Committee, Chairman, Co- Chairman of Various Committees for continuous guidance and whole hearted support.
I personally believe that Leader is one who understands and takes care of requirement and intention of its Team member and helps him to achieve his goal. Each fulfilled individual goal helps to achieve big Goals. Wish you all a Very Happy, Prosperous and Meaningful 2017.
With regards,
Dr. Jaimin Vasa